what do we do
UnfoldLabs is an Innovative Products and Services Company based in Sunny San Diego, California.

As technology trends are growing/changing at a tremendous rate, organizations need to re-focus and align with the new waves to keep pace with the changing trends and technology. The professionals at UnfoldLabs are there to help you capture these changes through innovation and reach new heights. We are an agile team specializing in mobile, cloud and new product development/ innovation, who can take you from pure ideation to complete product development and marketing, ensuring a high level of success in the US market.

In this new world of ever changing market dynamics, having products or new product ideas is not sufficient to capitalize. The team at UnfoldLabs has the right expertise to help the companies to take your ideas to fruition through tough marketing strategies and business plans.

With disruptive technologies coming out each day, it is imperative that we get ideas out there on time, with right user-experience and innovation in products to capture the imagination of the consumers. UnfoldLabs is well equipped to partner with you and your team to identify and taking the new challenges and converting them into right opportunities for you.

UnfoldLabs consists of highly motivated talented teams with right expertise and experience to work with you to achieve your goals:

  • Lean, agile team with right balance of experience, expertise and drive for new challenges
  • Focused on core areas of Cloud and Mobility – not a do-it-all, not a me-too
  • Strong expertise on Cloud & Mobility, with a proven track record of successful product launches in the industry
  • Strategic thinkers helping you set up a long term goal
  • Experts in driving innovation from ideation to conversion of ideas to products
  • Ability to work through large and distributed organizations keeping big picture in mind
  • Excellent Leadership Skills and working knowledge with C-level management
what do we do
  • 25+ Years of Experience in High-Tech Industry
  • Blended skills in Technology, Business, Engineering & Management
  • Corporates, Startups and Entrepreneur. Compaq (HP), Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung
  • Technology, Hardware & Software, Ideation & Innovation of Products, Content & Services
  • Board of Director in a few Startups, advises entrepreneurs
  • Executive Committee at TiE South Coast
  • Respected speaker in conferences around the world
  • Publishes articles on technology and its future
  • 22+ Years of Experience in IT Industry
  • Founder & CEO at SoftClouds, Serial Entrepreneur
  • Experience in Business Development, Technology and Operations
  • Strong Expertise in Customer Relationship Management for SMB and Enterprises
  • Excellence in Product Development
  • Respected speaker in conferences around CRM & Technology
  • Board of Directors at CommNexus
what do we do

Everyone that works at UnfoldLabs has a desire to create amazing products with awesome user experiences. We strongly believe that when talented people start to get together they can produce some impressive products. We put the right people, the right skills and right projects together to create some awesomeness. For us at UnfoldLabs – we are F.U.N. and a set of excited people who want to make a difference in this world.

If you are one of those rare breeds….stop by and say hello….and we could figure out a way to work as a team.

Please contact us at: UnfoldLabs-at-gmail-dot-com

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