Artificial Intelligence in Telecom

Artificial Intelligence in Telecom...

August 24, 2021

From 2021 to 2028, the worldwide telecom services industry...

Olympics 2020 – Aspire. Learn...

August 12, 2021

World's largest sporting event, the Olympic Games provide...

9 Powerful Technologies...

July 20, 2021

Over the years, healthcare has made incredible progress...

2021 & the Rise of Ransomware...

June 29, 2021

In 2021, the number of ransomware assaults is expected to...

The Future of Automotive 2035...

June 16, 2021

Welcome to the new world of AutoTech — the fusion...

Covid, Technology, and Digital...

June 03, 2021

It has long been said that necessity is the mother of all inventions...

Imaging and Its Captivating Future

April 22, 2021

From candid pictures to smart ad-campaigns, photography...

Privacy, WhatsApp, Signal...

February 24, 2021

2021 seems to have gotten off to a bad start for our friends...

Digital Twins in 2021...

February 18, 2021

The concept of digital twin is not new. The technology has been...

Parenting the Parents of 2021

February 01, 2021

A digital parent in 2021 must be very aware of all the negative...

Rocketing for a Crowded Orbit

February 24, 2021

The family, donned in an intra-vehicular activity space...

Becoming Successful in Business

November 10, 2020

Technology has become integrated in every industry...

Disruption in Software: Top Dozen Trends for 2020

September 14, 2020

As the software industry is booming and contributing...

Top 7 COOLEST Technology Innovations Inspired...

August 25, 2020

Whenever we hear the words ‘’innovation’’ or ‘’creativity’’...

The Unsung Hero for Mental Health - Technology

May 14, 2020

In any given year, 1 in 5 employed
US adults...

COVID19 Diaries: Cloud & Cloudification Everywhere

May 01, 2020

Cloud Computing has certainly been the buzzword of the...

Exceptional — 20 Top Personal Branding Strategies...

April 08, 2020

The Hard Truth - If You Do Not Become A BRAND Then...

Ashok’s Take: 7 Positives of L.I.F.E to Reflect

March 27, 2020

Covid19 aka Coronavirus or any pandemic for that matter...

AI & Automotive - 8 Disruptive

March 07, 2020

A driverless car running on roads may sound like a screen...

Ethical Hacking

July 26, 2019

In today’s information age, when nearly every type of technology...

AI Driven Personalization

June 11, 2019

In the connected world of today, the role of a user has changed...

Smart Cities 2025
Connectivity. Future.

June 01, 2019

Smart cities and smarter...

5 Tech Trends that will Disrupt...

Feb 02, 2018

Technology has been the greatest phenomenon in transforming...

5 Career Success Strategies in 2019

Mar 25, 2019

The definition of success is different for everyone, but the common...

5 Hurdles for Virtual Reality in 2018

Feb 15, 2018

The Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality (VR, AR, MR) industry...

5 Core Technologies that will Transform Humanity...

Feb 02, 2018

It's hard to imagine the world without all the technology of today...

Retail & Artificial Intelligence  -  A Revolution in the...

Jan 18, 2018

Retail, one of the largest industries in the world, totaled an estimated...

Autonomous Driving  -  Shifting to Overdrive in 2018

Nov 17, 2017

Autonomous driving once thought of as a thing of the future...

8 Trends in Cloud Computing...

Nov 07, 2017

Business and IT executives are no longer looking at the Cloud...

Solutions for Human Vision...

Oct 20, 2017

Sight is one of the senses that can't be replicated by technology...

The World of Artificial Intelligence

Sep 21, 2017

Computationally analyzing Big Data is not a passing trend...

Seven Trends in IoT that will...

Sep 21, 2017

Our physical world with devices is being reinvented every day...

The Future of Reality — Augmented

Sep 09, 2017

Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information...

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Aug 24, 2017

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, "chronic diseases and conditions...

The Future of Automotive - Autonomous Driving...

July 26, 2017

2017 has been a year where we've heard a lot of buzz...

Can You Hear Me Now? —  The Rise of Voice Assistants

July 11, 2017

is predicted to be the year of voice-first devices like Amazon Echo...

Mobile Application Development...

June 15, 2017

Even though the number of mobile apps is in the millions...

Qualcomm vs Apple in Perspective —  Patents, IP...

May 31, 2017

The technology industry has been innovating rapidly. Today...

Five Bold Predictions for the Automotive Industry

May 16, 2017

As the second largest market for vehicle sales globally...

New to the Neighborhood: IoT-Powered Smart Homes

April 30, 2017

Once, a house was a place to display the electronic trappings...

Drones in Precision Agriculture  -  A Bird's Eye...

April 13, 2017

Two interesting events occurred worldwide during the last...

Asokan Inc. | Top 7 Tech Developments to Watch...

Mar 28, 2017

2017 will bring many game changes in the world of technology...

2016—A Retrospective of the Technology Industry...

Mar 07, 2017

2016 was definitely a Big Year for Tech. Technology has been moving...

Successful Farming with Technology...

Feb 21, 2017

Technological advances in farming, which have greatly increased yields...

Smart City  -  A City That Never Sleeps…

Feb 7, 2017

The development of "Smart Cities" can be traced to 2008...

Transformers: Bots Poised...

Dec 7, 2016

It's an Internet dweller mindlessly performing repetitive tasks...

Unfolding Drones — the Tech Toy that is here to STAY

Nov 3, 2016

Used predominately for precision attacks, unmanned combats...

The Internet of Things (IoT)- the Internet Randomized

Oct 26, 2016

Before there were smartphones, YouTube or Twitter, there...

One for the Road — Big Data & the Automobile Industry

Sep 17, 2016

Big Data and Analytics are the success stories of today...

A Battle Cry — It's Technology

Aug 18, 2016

Diabetes, a metabolic disease leading to life threatening...

5G — Faster than the Fast

July 29, 2016

From basic Wireless Technology to 5G, Mobile Communications...

Virtual Reality Device Market

Jun 18, 2016

Technology has transformed itself in the last decade in mind-boggling...

Apple, Privacy & Security- A PR Conundrum

June 1, 2016

A Polarizing debate will invariably emerge whenever there...

Big Data in Retail - Will Big Data help...

May 25, 2016

Big Data — a simple word that is used to represent the complex explosion...

WearableTech Unfolded - The Future...

April 20, 2016

Wearables today have become a statement of sorts and are...

Unfolding Virtual Reality: Trends & Predictions

Mar 31, 2016

Virtual Reality (VR) has never ceased to surprise and amaze us...

FBI vs. Apple : A Fight Unfolds, A Nation Divides...

Mar 01, 2016

Privacy vs. Security — one of the most debated arguments...

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